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The Ings Vertimower is primarily designed for the removal of grass matt and thatch and to a small degree, for soil cultivation. Grass matt generally refers to living material, thatch to dead material, but combined it is the build up of material between the soil surface and the green leaves of the turf.

If not removed regularly, a considerable build up of either can lead to a soft, spongy surface and other associated problems such as scalping due to the mower sinking into the turf. Thatch and matting restrict water and air movement needed for good root growth and provide an ideal environment for some turf insects and disease organisms. They can also cause the growing points, runners and root system above the soil surface exposing them to damage and injury. As the build up becomes more severe it can also reduce the effectiveness of pesticides and fertilisers.

Thatch and matt build up is primarily caused by the over use of nitrogen, which is used to create that thicker greener look of a healthy lawn. Improper mowing can also contribute along with soil environment unfavourable for microbial activity.

Removal of matt and thatch is without doubt a major factor in keeping greens and sports surfaces “fast” and healthy. Once a heavy matt or thatch builds up it is very difficult to remove all of it in one operation, Brushes, combs rakes etc. all help keep matting and thatching to a minimum. How ever regular vertimowing throughout growing season (for sports surfaces about every 6 weeks) is the most effective way of controlling growth. For domestic surfaces once a year is usually sufficient depending on grass type and the amount of water and fertiliser used. Vertimowing is best done in the spring after or before greenup where the grass is growing rapidly and weather is not to hot.

Hollow tyning or drilling has little effect on matt or thatch except when it is buried. These machines punch or drill holes through the thatch helping water to penetrate. The lack of water penetration being the major draw back in heavy matt conditions. Tyning and/or drilling when coupled with verticutting on a cross pattern –shallow one way, deep the other – can open matt and thatch to give good water penetration. It also removes the matt and the thatch allows better grass growth, better root system and regrassing of worn patches.

Verticutting is a very important factor in greens, sports surfaces and any grassed area for renovation and maintenance. The Ings vertimower is designed to have rigid blades on a spiral cylinder set in such away that it is extremely effective in removing as much thatch and matting that is required. Having a rigid blade means that it will not bog down or bounce off thicker areas. This machine can infact denude the ground almost to the degree of a cultivator.

The machine comes with a standard 18” cut but larger machines for larger areas and tractor mounted PTO driven machines are also available.

Blades can be easily removed separately by simple nut and bolt mounting.

Screw type height adjustment allows for infinite height variation.

Blades can be removed at regular intervals for varying amount of severity in action i.e. the removal of every second blade will allow more of the thatching and matting to remain. A small amount of thatch is desirable to reduce water evaporation from the soil surface. Tungsten Tip blades are also available for longer life and are especially effective in shallow mowing.

For more information on thatch and matting or related subjects it is best to talk to your local specialised lawn carer or vertimowing specialist.

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